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DA Doorbell Manager for Crestron
  •   Version Number: 1.0.x
  •   Support Page: Open the support area
  •   Catalog / Purchase Page: Purchase a license here
  • Trial Available:
    •   Free Trial Time: 1 hour per processor boot time
  • Development Environment(s):
    •   Environment: SIMPL Windows
  • Compatible Processor(s):
    •   Processor: Crestron 3 Series
    •   Processor: Crestron 4 Series
  • Additional Files & Demo Projects:

Play the homes doorbell over the distributed audio system in selectable rooms with the DA Doorbell Manager!

Using the DA Doorbell manager, you can override the currently active or inactive analog control based audio amplifier. This override will effect the source id, volume, power state and even the mute status of the amplifier. The override is active for a programmable amount of time, then switch all the settings back to the way they were prior to the override request. The module is designed to be placed inline between your Zone/Room controls and the amplifier within your SIMPL Windows program. Once the override is active you can use the OVERRIDE_ACTIVE signal to trigger an audio device, such as our WFDA DA Doorbell Audio Source (coming soon), or any other triggerable audio device to play a doorbell sound.

DA Doorbell Manager can be used for other applications too such as microphone overrides, emergency broadcasts or any other application that requires audio override control via SIMPL programing


  • Up to 8 Zones/Room per module.
  • Place additional module to extend to unlimited Zones/Rooms.
  • Use multiple modules to trigger different doorbells in different rooms even from different entrances.
  • Programmable Volume level for override per Zone/Room. (Fixed Level 0-65535 or Percentage %)
  • Programmable Override time (in seconds).
  • Programmable Source ID for doorbell audio source (as a decimal number)
* It is recommended to download the demo program to view an example of proper signal routing for this symbol as they may seam odd at first glance.
* Module ONLY, Audio source NOT included. Any triggerable audio source will work however they are sold separately

Module Signals List

NameTypeDescription and Usage
Doorbell_Activate DIGITAL PULSE to activate the doorbell override.
Once pulsed DOORBELL_ACTIVE will go HIGH for the time specified in the DOORBELL_TIME parameter
Zone-[1-8]_Enabled DIGITAL HOLD HIGH to enable the door override for the relevant Zone/Room 
When held HIGH the related Zone/Room WILL be effected when DOORBELL_ACTIVATE is pulsed, when LOW, DOORBELL_ACTIVATE will have no effect on the related Zone/Room
Zone-[1-8]_Vol#_in ANALOG RANGE 0-65535
Volume signal FROM the Zone/Room controls in your program heading to the audio amplifier.
(this module MUST be placed inline in order to manage the volumes)
Zone-[1-8]_SrcID#_in ANALOG RANGE 0-65535
Source ID signal FROM the Zone/Room controls in your program heading to the audio amplifier.
(this module MUST be placed inline in order to manage the current source)
Zone-[1-8]_Power_fb DIGITAL POWER ON feedback FROM amplifier
Simply tap the current signal going TO your Zone/Room FROM the amplifier
Zone-[1-8]_Mute_fb DIGITAL MUTE ON feedback FROM amplifier
Simply tap the current signal going TO your Zone/Room FROM the amplifier
Doorbell_Active DIGITAL  Goes HIGH for Doorbell_Time when Doorbell_Activate is pulsed
Zone-[1-8]_Doorbell_Active DIGITAL  Goes HIGH for Doorbell_Time when Doorbell_Activate is pulsed AND the related zone has its Zone-[1-8]_Enabled held HIGH
Zone-[1-8]_Vol#_out ANALOG RANGE 0-65535
Volume signal TO the related zone of the audio amplifier.
(this module MUST be placed inline in order to manage the volumes)
Zone-[1-8]_SrcID#_out ANALOG RANGE 0-65535
Source ID signal TO the related zone of the audio amplifier.
(this module MUST be placed inline in order to manage the current source)
Zone-[1-8]_Power_[on/off] DIGITAL  
Zone-[1-8]_Mute_[on/off] DIGITAL  
Doorbell_Time SECONDS (s) Time (in SECONDS) that the override will be active when DOORBELL_ACTIVATE is pulsed
Doorbell_SrcID DECIMAL (d) RANGE 0-65535
value of the source for the doorbell audio
Doorbell_Vol_Zone-[1-8] DECIMAL (d)
RANGE 0-65535 / 0-100%
Volume that will be applied while override is active (per Zone/Room)
Reg_Email STRING Email Address used when purchasing a registration key
(set to "" in order to use trial version)
Reg_Key DECIMAL (d) Registration Key issued at time of purchase
(set to 0 to use the trial version)
Version Change Log:
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HADA Systems