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HADA Systems


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  •   Version Number: 1.0
  •   Crestron Software Versions:
    •   Tested SIMPL WIndows Version:: 4.22 (build: 4.2200.00)
    •   Tested Crestron Device Database Version: 200.275 (build: 200.27500.001.00)

Getting your new module ready to go is an easy task, this tutorial will walk you through the process of downloading and importing or manually installing new a module into your SIMPL windows environment.

HADA Systems General installation instructions
Modules are for Crestron 3 and 4 series processors only

Installation Method Option 1: (for import of demo program archives)
Import Archive
1. Open SIMPL Windows
2. Open File Menu -> Import Archived Program
3. Select the downloaded archive

Installation Method Option 2: Manual Installation: (for import of modules only archives)
1. Copy the files to the proper directory on you computer
(.USP, .USH and .USL files go in your Usrplus folder)
(.UMC files go in your Usrmacro folder)
(.PDF files (if any) go in the same folder that matches the name of the related file, typically the Usrmacro folder.)
2. Open SIMPL Windows (or if already open go to Options Menu --> 'Reload Device and Symbol Libraries from disk'
3. The module will be placed in the: User Modules --> HADA Systems - [Module Type] tree folder of your Symbol Library

1. Add the module to a Simpl Windows program
2. Select the new module and press the F1 key to view the help file with signal definitions
You can also view the documentation for any of our modules at: http://www.hadasystems.com/documentation

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HADA Systems